John Mauldin Waxing Political

Frequent visitors know I am a fan of Economist John Mauldin (recently voted as the runner up to Warren Buffet for MotleyFool‘s Investor of the Year Award). I find his economic insights both informative an entertaining, and his newsletter can become addictive to be perfectly honest. Give it a try here.

I don’t usually get into politics, mainly because I find it difficult to find politicians worthy saying nice things about. And you know what they say about what to do when you can’t think of something nice to say.

But if Mauldin can make an exception to the rule, I can at least point toward his newsletter. I think it is important to read. I can point to several cases where politics over-ruled economics and caused major problems in our economy (take The Great Depression for one). There is a real danger when politicians pander with empty promises that they know they cannot (or should not) back up. Telling the voting public what they want to hear – or what the candidate thinks they need to hear – when it isn’t realistic or good for us anyway is a reckless but common practice by these folks. I’ll leave it to Mauldin to pick up from here to illustrate why when it comes to our economy, almost all politicians are donkeys.

Read it here. Enjoy…