Family & Estate Planning Basics

A good checklist found in a recent article in Money Magazine is below. These are items that you should discuss with your parents – at any age. You don’t need all the info now, but you should know how to find it:

-Life Insurance Policies
-Long-Term-Care Policies
-Banking & Brokerage Accounts
-Social Security Cards
-Medicare & Insurance Cards
-Doctor’s Names & Numbers
-List of Medications
-Lawyer & Accountant Numbers

Seems pretty basic, but helpful to review. I mention it here because of the frequency with which I work with people who have lost their parents, and are facing major financial implications that we are coordinating through strategic mortgage planning. Its not a fun topic to discuss, but help yourself by cutting out some of the chaos that ensues when you cannot find the items listed above.

John C. Glynn, CMPS
Real Estate Finance & Mortgage Planning
San Francisco